December is here! Finishing up the last of the holiday shoppers and orders, the last week of the December is usually very slow so now is the time to prep! Congratulations! You’ve survived the busy season! Now it’s time to kick back and relax, right? As a florist you know… Read more“Business Management System Monthly Mention”
Author: admin
"People’s Choice" Awards – Another Award Loses Respect
Does it seem odd that both “Farenheit 9/11” and “The Passion of the Christ” won the ” – especially because the two movies were targeted at diametrically opposed audiences? Here, my friends, we have another example of an , for it has changed the way it allows ‘the people’ to… Read more“"People’s Choice" Awards – Another Award Loses Respect”
How To’s
Book Keeping: A shop’s daily goal is to gain customers. More costumers lead to more profit, and in return, it leads to a more profitable shop. Do you ever wonder how you reconcile your wire orders? As the filling florist, it’s important that you reconcile the orders you fulfilled. Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Learn how to prepare by… Read more“How To’s”
Pro-Life Witness at Democratic Kerry Rally
On Friday, October 8, 2004, members of the Kenrick-Glennon Seminary community traveled to the America’s Center to witness to the Pro-Life cause. Wearing sweatshirts that proclaimed ‘Dedicated to the defense of all human life,’ the seminarians attempted to attend the Democratic Watch Party and Rally (at which John Kerry would… Read more“Pro-Life Witness at Democratic Kerry Rally”
Update to "Prayers" Section of CGC Website
Technical Notes…
I’ve decided to make the blog body text a bit darker, as I sometimes have trouble reading light text on a white background. If you think it’s better, let me know. If you think it’s worse, let me know. If you think I should make the text green, the background… Read more“Technical Notes…”
Anti-Catholicism in the Media
I recently read an article in the (January 2, 2005 edition) concerning the media and it’s strong anti-Catholic bias. Not to say I was completely taken aback by what the studies from the Parents Television Found… it was just surprising how anti-Catholic, and ultimately anti-God and religion the media is!… Read more“Anti-Catholicism in the Media”
Marketing Tool Box
Let’s talk sympathy. A few weeks ago, Bob Tucker AIFD, CFD, FSMD from Miss Daisy’s Flowers & Gifts, shared with us how he has built a strong sympathy business. Throughout his many years of experience, he has discovered that the key of a good sympathy business relies on good… Read more“Marketing Tool Box”
Tech Tips
Quick and easy tips for creating and posting Facebook Live videos… Incorporating video into your business’ marketing approach is essential because of social media’s rapid growth. It is a major component of social interaction. In one week, the biggest holiday for romance — and for our industry, will arrive. Consumers will mostly likely be searching online… Read more“Tech Tips”
Trend Setter
Traveling to Italy to compete at Arteflorando SAFIA E20 by Garrett Skupinski, CF When athletes compete in the Olympics, they say there is no greater honor than representing their country. The same goes for Paul Jaras, AIFD, when he represents Canada in international competitions such as the FTD World Cup… Read more“Trend Setter”