On Friday, October 8, 2004, members of the Kenrick-Glennon Seminary community traveled to the America’s Center to witness to the Pro-Life cause. Wearing sweatshirts that proclaimed ‘Dedicated to the defense of all human life,’ the seminarians attempted to attend the Democratic Watch Party and Rally (at which John Kerry would later be present) and pray for the senator to stand for what he believes as a Catholic.
While in line to go through security scanners, the seminarians were informed that the Democratic Convention Committee would not allow them to enter, as the party was being held in a private, rented venue (the America’s Center), and the Party Organizers didn’t think the seminarians had the spirit that was necessary for admittance. (Earlier in the day, security personnel had told the group that they would allow signs).
Instead of giving up hope, the seminarians lined up at each entrance to the building holding up signs proclaiming their pro-life message. Even with much dissent from partygoers, the seminarians remained standing their ground from around 6:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Many partygoers taunted the seminarians, saying such phrases as ‘go away you pedophile-huggers!’ and ‘You can’t impose your religious beliefs on me!’ One party attendee was so bold as to take a sign out of the hands of a seminarian and proceed to rip it into pieces in front of him.
The seminarians prayed the Rosary, the Divine Chaplet, Vespers, and many other private prayers throughout the peaceful witness. The seminarians ask that all may pray for an end to abortion and a respect for life from conception to natural death.
For more information, please visit .
Another similar experience happened to a different group of Catholics at the Kerry watch party and debate rally. Read more by .
Excerpt: “our favorite part of the night was when a father, his teen daughter and one of her friends approached us to talk while we were inside. He said he was Catholic and although he liked Kerry, he just didn’t know if he could vote for him. He’d recently read a commentary in the Wall Street Journal comparing abortion to the holocaust and just couldn’t see the other issues combined as important enough to support Kerry. We chatted with them for a while and finally we decided to get back to our rosary. The daughter then said, ‘Let’s pray with them, Daddy.’ It was a sweet experience to meet them and pray together.”
to view pictures from the event.
to view a video from the event.
NOTE: It seems that this story has produced tremendous interest from many different sources, some of which are listed here:
- (October 11 Posting)
- (October 11 9:53 a.m. Posting)
- (front page article)