Looking for a nice, short, Pro-Life prayer and not finding any, I decided to make my own: Eternal Father in Heaven, Please protect all of Your people from unjust death; Most especially, please protect Your dear children In the sanctuary of a mother’s womb. Please bring about an end to… Read more“A Short Pro-Life Prayer”
Different Dozen
Give a fresh look to a Valentine’s favorite The tradition of the rose dozen has roots in the communication of love and appreciation. The number 12 is believed to come from various sources representing customs across several cultures, religions and philosophies as well as reflecting nature. The primary significance is… Read more“Different Dozen”
Using LINE in Everyday Design
With every design, it is essential to ensure a proper form. The principles and Elements of Floral Design should always be your go-to support with every design. Every element brings something unique to a design. Line is no exception. There are several different types of line. Learning to work with… Read more“Using LINE in Everyday Design”
What Do "Syndicate this Site" and "RSS" mean?
I’m not sure if many blog readers have noticed, but there is a link on the sidebar of this blog, and many other blogs throughout the blogosphere, that says ‘Feed (RSS)’, ‘Syndicate this site (XML)’ or something similar. What exactly does this mean? RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” –… Read more“What Do "Syndicate this Site" and "RSS" mean?”
Formation Retreat Until Saturday, General Stuff
Just fyi: I’ll be on a “Priestly Formation Week” from Thursday morning until Saturday evening. My birthday falls on the 7th, so I guess I’ll be able to celebrate it with an hour or two of Eucharistic Adoration. I will pray for all who have spoken to me via email… Read more“Formation Retreat Until Saturday, General Stuff”
Elements & Principles of Design: Texture
In today’s floral design, texture is an important element to consider when creating an arrangement. Always remember to consider the Elements and Principles of Design when working on a new piece. Texture is one of many elements that can help increase the appeal of your arrangement. Texture is the surface quality of every material, which can be seen… Read more“Elements & Principles of Design: Texture”
Planned Parenthood (yes, again…)
In a post from earlier today entitled “” on , Dawn Eden magnificently deals with Planned Parenthood’s use of the term ‘Emergency Contraception’ and displays an example of Planned Parenthood’s inadequecies when it comes to matters of life: “Let’s look at this, starting with the words “emergency contraception.” It is… Read more“Planned Parenthood (yes, again…)”
St. Louis "Post Disgrace". The Media. Hmm…
My mom noticed an editorial in the today, titled “”, following typical mainstream media style in it’s . The article states, concerning foreign aid offered by Israel but refused by Sri Lanka: “In Rome, the semi-official Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, accused Israel of refusing to help flood victims in Sri… Read more“St. Louis "Post Disgrace". The Media. Hmm…”
When Awards Lose Power
I am truly stunned by the media today. The stupidity, distance from reality and inconsistencies in thought really throw me off when it comes to the mainstream media outlets. Today I read an article on about the latest ‘smash-hit success movie’, Meet the —-ers. I’m not even going to mention… Read more“When Awards Lose Power”
Planned Parenthood
I regularly read , and am especially glad that it’s author, Dawn Eden, regularly reports on the vast number of inconsistancies, lies, and misinformation dished out by Planned Parenthood and its subsidiaries. If Dawn were to write a book about PP, I would gladly snatch up a few copies and… Read more“Planned Parenthood”