Showstopping wedding centerpieces you can create cost efficiently
When it comes to weddings, everyone wants to do glamour, with no cost constraints, the works! But does every designer have that opportunity? Here are some of my ideas about how to create several stunning table centerpieces on a limited budget.
1) Vase arrangements have always been popular, but how can we make them more budget friendly? The answer is to utilize grouping techniques. Using different textures of flowers, and the Design Master color tool, can make quite the impact…for example, spray painting succulents, palm leaves, tropical flowers, etc. For this arrangement, I used anthuriums grouped together with palm leaves at the back to create more dimensions. The addition of Nerine lily creates height. Overall, the result is that just a few flowers are able to translate to eye-catching visual value.
2) Tropical flowers are very popular, they are long lasting, and they tend to remind people of beachfront vacations. However, tropicals are also expensive. When using tropical flowers for weddings you need to be price conscious. For this arrangement I chose a beautiful bowl to create the setting for a rather limited number of tropical flowers, bird of paradise, cymbidium blooms and craspedia…held together with water tubes and covered with crushed glass on the bottom. Using fewer floral products to cover the mechanics not only saves cost, it creates transparency between the flowers and the pot. Also, it’s a look that doesn’t block the views of people who are having conversations. In fact, there’s so much excitement about this arrangement, it could very well be part of the conversations itself.
3) Perhaps your wedding has rectangular tables. Here I have employed smaller vases to make a larger arrangement, grouping items together to create a long line for the length of the table. This approach can also be turned into a circle for a round table. I left the flowers long so they can cross and mingle with each other. I also added smaller vases to hold candles, and the light will shine up and create interesting shadows. There is plenty of dimensions in this design, with much depth when the arrangement is set out. An additional benefit: Small vases make transport and delivery easy.
4) Another option for a long centerpiece is to utilize a boat-shaped container. I like containers that are somewhat darker, adding visual value. While the container is expensive, you don’t need to spend a lot on flowers. And, leaving the flowers long makes it look like they’re growing from the pot. The florals include: hellebores, apple blossom branches, astilbe, scabiosa and equisetum. I deliberately used light delicate flowers on top to create tension between the pot and the flowers. And, the same technique of crossing and mingling flowers utilized in design #3 is used to create dimension. Rocks cover the bottom of the design.
5) Anyone who follows me on social media knows that two of my favorite varieties to work with are equisetum and tropical flowers. For this design my idea was to use my favorites together! I made this monotone to give it a modern, clean, contemporary look. The design includes three anthuriums and three green trick with some greens on the bottom. The containers are metallic, adding texture. In total, three groups of floral arrangements, placed in a line, come together to create a table centerpiece that is sure to complement almost any wedding beautifully.