The word charity holds high regard in the minds of most. It is associated with selflessness, helping those in need, and improving one’s community. While we’d like to think that every charity has good intentions for humanity, there are organizations that qualify as charities that, from your perspective, may not… Read more“Determining if a Charity has Your Best Interest (and the General Public’s) in Mind”
Category: Blog
This is a Time of Positive, Constructive and Gratifying Change…
Three Challenges You Need to Consider When Disbursing and Safeguarding Employee Workplace Giving Donations
“We Cannot Solve Our Problems With the Same Thinking We Used to Create them.” ~Albert Einstein
One of the challenges of modern business is to get people engaged, motivated and gratified to either work for you, or do business with you. For numerous reasons, people (formerly known as employees and customers) are more demanding of whom they work for, what they buy and whom they buy… Read more““We Cannot Solve Our Problems With the Same Thinking We Used to Create them.” ~Albert Einstein”
Sources of funding every charity should consider
10 Things You Need to Know About Planned Giving
What Steve Jobs Learned from the Buddhists (About Brands)
At Emotive Brand, we’re big on the concept of purpose beyond profit. Apparently, people interpret this phrase in interesting ways. Some jump to the conclusion that it means “purpose instead of profit.” That’s a valid approach for Benefit Corporations, perhaps, but most companies – including this one – would prefer… Read more“What Steve Jobs Learned from the Buddhists (About Brands)”
Donate to Your Favorite Charities Through Workplace Giving
If you work for a company, organization or the federal government, chances are you’ve had the opportunity to participate in a workplace giving program. Workplace giving is an easy and efficient way to make tax-deductible donations to the charities you care about with donations taken directly out of your paycheck.