Determining if a Charity has Your Best Interest (and the General Public’s) in Mind

The word charity holds high regard in the minds of most. It is associated with selflessness, helping those in need, and improving one’s community. While we’d like to think that every charity has good intentions for humanity, there are organizations that qualify as charities that, from your perspective, may not… Read more“Determining if a Charity has Your Best Interest (and the General Public’s) in Mind”

“We Cannot Solve Our Problems With the Same Thinking We Used to Create them.” ~Albert Einstein

One of the challenges of modern business is to get people engaged, motivated and gratified to either work for you, or do business with you. For numerous reasons, people (formerly known as employees and customers) are more demanding of whom they work for, what they buy and whom they buy… Read more““We Cannot Solve Our Problems With the Same Thinking We Used to Create them.” ~Albert Einstein”